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+ KC Studio

KC Studio

Location : Taipei, Taiwan / 台北市
Area :
Design Team : Jill Yang, Paul Chiang /楊珮珩 江易書
Type : Studio / 工作室
Status : Completed 2012
Photographs : K. M. Lee

有別於傳統的空間比例,本案室內空間與戶外庭院空間的比例大約是1:3,因此將戶外與室內做結合與延伸是設計上直覺想到的手法。業主是一對堅持健康、原味且專業的料理節目主持人KEVIN & CLAIRE,他們對於這個空間的期許,是除了居住之外,還能提供電視台作為拍攝料理節目的場景,並希望攝影時能結合戶外的庭園空間作互動。


一樓的主軸是中央的大中島廚具,後方即為庭院空間,兩個大面的落地摺疊門打開後,即可將背景整個延伸到戶外,設計師將庭院做出幾個高低的層次變化,一方面讓空間更具趣味及多樣性,另一方面是藉此做出空間的區隔,分為用餐區、烤肉區、香草種植區及溫室等空間,KEVIN & CLAIRE也善用了這個空間,種植了數十種的香草及蔬果,於攝影時便可現場摘取烹煮,真的營造出台北市裡的一處開心農場。

Different from the conventional proportion of spatial deployment ”KC Garden” is an apartment with only one third of interior space. This brought a challenge where the challenge meant a great opportunity to explore a new way of living style.

The people who dwell here are a couple, Kevin and Claire, who host a TV cooking show and are gaining popularity. They hope this apartment is not just a place for them to live, but also a venue for the show. Also the uniqueness of apartment should convey a message that healthy lifestyle and a good diet is close to the way of life.

To provide for so many pragmatic requirements, the space needed a big change. Two separated mezzanine levels were built; one is for the couple’s bedroom and the other is for a storage space and bathroom. An open spot in between the two mezzanine floors can be used to lift up a TV camera that allows for shooting at every angle including a bird-eye’s view.

The main “element” of the apartment is an island style kitchen against a window facing the outdoor view. The balcony garden is divided into several zones at different heights; one is used as a spice gardens, one for a small green house, the other is used as a BBQ and dining deck. The extra expanding balcony garden has many edible vegetables, fruits and spices as the garden also provides food ingredients for the TV show.

Landscaping was a very important measurement for the design. Even the apartment needs to satisfy living function, it emphasized how dieting habits put great influence on space, and a living space can explain pretty well the value of life and its content.