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+ twin park 接待中心 / twin park

twin park 接待中心 / twin park

Location : Hsinchu, Taiwan / 竹北市
Area : 1550 m²
Design Team : Jill Yang, Orange Kang, Peggy Chiang / 楊珮珩 康晧竹 江佩靜
Type : Reception Center / 接待中心
Status : Completed 2012
Photographs : K. M. Lee

本建案基地緊鄰兩個公園,因此命名為「Twin Park」,也因為這樣的基地條件,設計初期即設定「公園的延伸」這樣的設計概念。要迎合公園這樣的概念,在空間量體的安排上,便要與傳統有所迴異,打碎以往笨重的單一建築量體,讓碎化的量體交錯配置,錯開後的平面塑造出更多的對外面向,讓綠化及採光更加延伸到各個空間。


Wrapped by two city parks, this unique location found its name “Twin Park”. The architectural design utilizes this advantage fully to welcome the surrounding beauty into our reception center.

Instead of a traditional, single sizeable structure, multiple smaller building volumes are strategically placed to present a more dynamic unity. This breakthrough has effectively extends outdoor openness, bright lighting and greenery inside the structure body.

Exterior wall consists of multi-layered, vast medal sheet with tree shape cutouts. While the wall successfully defines boundaries, it also expresses our avid desire to be connected with two adjacent parks. Special lighting on the multi-layered tree cutouts adds some unexpected whimsical visual effect.

The interior space is just another reminder of the nature. With spacious lobby, high ceiling paired with large scale glasses and added small atria, the outdoor landscape suddenly becomes a part of the indoor experience.